Why Are CIRS Patients NOT Getting Better?
In 2016, Dr. Shoemaker’s Surviving Mold organization (www.SurvivingMold.com) released the Indoor Environmental Professional’s Panel of Surviving Mold Consensus Statement.

In Dr. Gary Rosen’s FREE 3-Part Series Surviving Mold Illness, he provides a peer reviewed, science-based analysis/critique of the proprietary/non-peer reviewed/self-published Shoemaker Professional Panel’s recommended mold assessment and mold remediation procedures.
Surviving Mold Illness points out where the Shoemaker Professional Panel’s proprietary mold assessment / remediation procedures go wrong. … why so many mold-sensitive patients are NOT getting better. If you don’t first fix the exposure, you can’t expect the patient to get better even with the best treatment.
And Dr. Rosen reviews alternative, widely accepted, industry standard, and relatively inexpensive methods used worldwide to both successfully identify (assess) and also successfully and inexpensively fix (remediate/remove) indoor mold problems even for super-sensitive people with Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).
Shoemaker’s Indoor Environmental Professional Panel’s Consensus Statement, as we shall see:
Proprietary methods. Not Peer Reviewed. Self-Published. Is NOT an industry consensus.
Yes, Dr. Shoemaker essentially invented modern treatment of mold-related illness. But he did not invent mold assessment or mold remediation. So keep an open mind.
If you have mold toxin related symptoms and are going broke paying for mold assessment and mold remediation procedures that don’t appear to work …. you owe it to yourself to read Dr. Rosen’s free-of-charge Surviving Mold Illness series.
Developed as a FREE public service by Dr. Gary Rosen and the National Association of Environmentally Responsible Mold Contractors.
See us at: www.Free-Mold-Training.org
See our sister site: www.Mold-Toxins.com
Are you ill, irritated, brain fog, congested (allergy-like symptoms) in your home and not outside the home particularly when you wake up in the morning? Is so then there is a problem with your home, and it is most likely mold related as these are common mold exposure symptoms.
If you have these allergy-like and possibly other symptoms in your home and not outside, then find a mold contractor that will give you a money back guarantee that the work they do will eliminate all your symptoms within 1-2 days.
How do you know for sure the problems with the home and your illness is/are mold-related? When you specifically remediate all potential mold exposure problems and if after the remediation work your symptoms go away, it was mold.
Why do we say mold exposure problems? Because it is only mold (mold spores actually) that you breathe in the indoor air that is a health issue. Not mold hidden inside of walls or attics that do not represent significant exposure. Not mold in small, isolated pockets of surface dust that does not represent significant exposure. Mold exposure and related illness is from breathing mold spores … that means they are in the indoor air space.
Yes of course. The only focus of Shoemaker’s Indoor Environmental Professional Panel’s mold testing is testing for mold in surface dust. (They do not test the air.)
Clean the dust. Then no mold in dust. Exposure and illness come from breathing mold which means exposure to airborne mold spores/fragments. Prove there is a problem with mold exposure (elevated levels of mold in the indoor air) by taking air samples of mold spores/fragments in the home before remediation (initial indoor air sampling); and then perform air sampling after remediation (post remediation indoor air sampling) to show they are now gone as a result of successful remediation. The proven removal of mold and mold fragments from the indoor air after remediation should correlate with the occupant no longer being ill/irritated in the home.
Unless the environment you are in (your home) is properly fixed, all the expensive medical treatments to fix the body will fail. Fix the home first and then fix the body and oftentimes the body will then fix itself. And oftentimes with some helpful advice you can fix the home yourself. See our FREE Mold Removal Self-Help Guide below.
View and download Dr. Rosen’s Mold Removal Self-Help Guide entirely for free below.
Why So Many CIRS Patients
Are Not Getting Better Part 1
Problems With Surviving Mold Remediation Procedures
In Dr. Rosen’s Surviving Mold Illness Part 1, Why Most Remediations Fail and People Stay Sick: We focus our critique on Shoemaker’s Professional Panel’s proprietary/non peer reviewed/self-published mold remediation procedures. Unless the environment you are in (your home) is properly fixed/remediated, all the expensive medical treatments to fix the body, even if they are perfect, will fail. Fix the home first and then the body. Oftentimes when you fix the home, the body fixes itself!
Why So Many CIRS Patients
Are Not Getting Better Part 2
Problems with Surviving Mold HERTSMI-2
Part 2. Most Assessments Fail and People Stay Sick: We focus on the Shoemaker Professional Panel’s proprietary mold assessment procedure. With particular emphasis on analyzing the proprietary testing method for analyzing mold spores in isolated pockets or surface dust they call HERTSMI-2. Unless the cause/origin, location, and extent of the (often hidden in the AC/ducting) airborne mold problem is precisely determined/assessed it is impossible to restore a home to as new. Fix the home first and then fix the body.
Why So Many CIRS Patients
Are Not Getting Better Part 3
Case Studies
And in Dr. Rosen’s Surviving Mold Illness Part 3, Case Studies of Procedures that Work: We provide Case Studies of procedures for assessment/remediation that are not only proven, widely used, common sense procedures, but also are relatively inexpensive compared to those featured by Shoemaker. You test the indoor air for mold/fragments before remediation to make sure that there is a airborne mold problem… to make sure there is a need for remediation. And if there is, after remediation, prove by post remediation testing of the indoor air, that the remediation was successful and has eliminated all significant airborne mold/fragment exposure.
Dr. Rosen’s Mold Removal Self-Help Guide. Find the moisture. Find the mold. Remove the mold.
We ask and answer the questions: When can you do it yourself? And when do you need professional help? Mold Removal Self Help Guide is targeted toward advising homeowners how to handle the majority of mold growth problems themselves or perhaps with the help of a handyman. And to aid in determining when or if a mold professional (assessor and/or remediator) should be brought in. You’ve all heard about the horror stories about BAD mold contractors. If a professional mold investigation or professional mold remediation is desired what questions need to be asked? What do you need to know to make sure your money is well spent, and the job is properly done? Read all about it here!